building YOURÂ capacity to strengthen communication and connection from the comfort of your own home
Complimentary Consultation
Are you wondering if your child needs speech therapy or other support? Are you seeking parent/caregiver coaching or group classes? We offer a 20-minute consultation with you over the phone or through Google Meet to discuss your child and family's concerns or needs. The information we discuss will be used to determine if an initial visit or formal evaluation is recommended. Capacity Speech Therapy is committed to finding you the right fit for services, which means that we can provide you with additional resources or referrals to other practices as needed.
Our specialty is serving young children from ages 4 and under and their families in areas that are most important to them. See below for more information on how we can help.
Receptive and Expressive Language Delays
Understanding and Use of Language
Late talkers​
Emerging language skills, limited vocabulary
Difficulty getting a message across
Difficulty following directions or other messages
Quiet, shy, or not speaking
Limited use of gestures or other modes of communicating
Parents seeking strategies to increase communication opportunities throughout daily routines
Articulation/Phonological Delays, Suspected Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Speech Sound Development and Clarity
Difficult to understand
Dropping off many sounds
Effort or struggle to get sounds or words out
Not interested in talking, mostly quiet
Parents have to interpret everything the child says
Evaluated for School Based Services?
Qualified, Did Not Qualify, or Aged Out
Families seeking additional support or increased intensity
Families needing more flexible scheduling options (evenings and weekends)
The child didn't meet the requirements for school services but you want more support
The child "aged out" of school services at age three, but the family wants continued home interventions
Social Communication and Play
Interactions with Others
​Limited exposure to other children
Reduced interest in playing or communicating with other children
Using words but not really communicating needs
Using memorized scripts
Learning how to use various toys and play schemes
Caregiver Coaching
Strategies to Support Overall Development At Home
Certain routines are a struggle you want your days to go more smoothly
Managing challenging toddler behavior
Support for parents/caregivers working from home while still needing to provide full-time childcare for their child(ren)
Educational Advocacy
Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child
Parents seeking additional support in understanding and navigating special education services and processes
Finding resources within the community
Screen Time Wellness
Tablets, Smart Phones, and Watches, Oh My!
Learn how to replace screens with other varied experiences
Technology addictions
Parents needing help with a screen time plan or reset
Concerns with behaviors associated with screen time
New or expectant parents who want screen time research and information to support their baby from day one
Parents Supporting Parents
Group Classes
Desire to build community while learning more about supporting language and social-emotional development for toddlers ​
Get out after these years of isolation and meet other parents talk about important topics relating to raising young children
Team up against the overuse of technology with friends and neighbors